**War of 1812- History Central |
Info for the pair assignment
**War of 1812 Battles
More info for the assignment
U.S. Social Studies For Teachers & Students
Links to all subjects and events in American history.
Colonial Williamsburg- Clothing
Excellent site for Colonial clothing and more!
Colonial History
Dozens of links to sites about the original 13 colonies in America.
Colonial America K12 Resources
Designed for teachers, but it has great info for students too!
Colonial America
The BEST info for our 13 Colonies movies.
Life In Colonial America
A student-created web project
Colonial Assemblies
Great info. for "democratic ideas" sub-standard
Colonial Economy
Great for "Government" sub-standard
18th Century Clothing
Resource for video clip sub-groups
The Paul Revere House
Major Events of the Revolution
General info on the major battles for an in-class assignment
Battle of Lexington & Concord
An article from a good online reference website on the Revolutionary War
Battle of Bunker Hill
An article from a good online reference website on the Revolutionary War
Battle of Bunker Hill
Student-written report on this important battle in the Revolutionary War.
A user's guide to the Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence Draft
Draft version with the revisions made in congress
Liberty Online
Good research info.
Constitution Facts
Full text and guide to the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.
The American West
All about the Westward Expansion as the U.S. grew larger and larger.
Lewis and Clark Webquest
Online social studies activity for students
Martin Luther King Jr.
Fact Monster's site about the Civil Right leader
Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz