Home Learning Ideas


  • Addition and Subtraction:

-use dice, cards, Legos, beads and pipe cleaners-

Have your child roll the dice, pick a card, build a tower, or put beads on a pipe cleaner. Then you do the same. Practice adding and subtracting this way.

  • Tens and Ones and >,<,= :

-use Legos or beads and pipe cleaners-

Have your child build towers of tens. Practice counting tens and ones then practice adding and subtracting towers of tens. Then compare towers to see which is greater than, less than, or equal.

Sight Words:

  • Practice reading and spelling our Reading Racer Sight Words using playdoh or by writing them in shaving cream!


  • We were going to be studying Life Cycles and watching caterpillars metamorphosize. You can order your own caterpillar kit from Insect Lore.


  • Daily journal writing
  • Animal reports (we were going to do these in May) so they can start researching an animal and writing down interesting facts.