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12 Story Library bookshelf
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Every book has its own web-page. 12 story Library provides the very best in high –interest nonfiction and fiction for the middle grades with fun, informative titles and an editor- curated website stuffed with additional content. Each book as up-to-date news & links, helpful & fun web resources as well as video & image galleries and live twitter feeds.
Students can explore to find the latest updates and resources on their book’s subject or teachers can use the site to facilitate further study with a variety of projects and assignments.
Here is an easy one: Ask students to go “beyond the book” by finding a news article on and then explaining in a blog post why that news is important.
Currently for your reading and viewing pleasure, we have the following series/ Books and EBooks
Perspectives on U.S. history – tittles include
Perspectives on the Civil Rights movement, Dust Bowl, Great Depression, Industrial Revolution, European Colonization of America, Reconstruction, Westward Expansion, and Women’s Rights Movement.
Exploring Ancient Civilizations - tittles include
Exploring Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient India, Ancient Maya, Ancient Rome, Aztec Empire and Persian Empire.
Prehistoric- tittles include
12 things to know about the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Mesolithic Age, Neolithic Age, Paleolithic Age.
Back from the Brink- tittles include
Amphibians, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Marine Animals, and Reptiles.
The Coding Club- “A useful series to help young people have a positive experience when dealing with online technology” tittles include (reading level grades 3-5)
Decoded, Gamer Bandit, Hack attack, Nabbed Tablet, Robot Rescue, and School Spirit.