The following is a suggested list of supplies for your child to have at school which will help them
on their road to success!
3 spiral notebooks
3 pocket folders
2 fine tip Dry Erase markers
Notebook filler paper
Pencils (5 sharpened per day!)
Self contained pencil sharpener
Sticky notes
Colored pencils
Markers (10 pack - no Sharpies!)
Glue stick
Pencil box or pouch for their desk
Classroom donations are always welcome and very appreciated!
Listed are some items that we use in class and can never have enough of:
Dry erase markers
Glue sticks
Elmer's glue
Colored copy paper
White copy paper
Gallon Ziploc bags
Graph paper
Scotch and masking tape
Gift cards (Target, Walmart, etc. for supplies)
Thank You!!!