Homework Policy:
Homework will only consist of work that your student does not
finish/finishes incorrectly during the school day. There will be no
formally assigned homework and I will not be collecting or grading it.
With that being said, I cannot stress the importance of reading with
your child. There will be no formal “reading log” but I am suggesting to
continue to read every night! I will also have some voluntary homework
options. I will continue giving the spelling test, vocabulary test, and Mad
Minute test every Friday so students can study these words and math
facts at home. Every child will receive a math workbook that aligns with
what we are working on in class if you feel they need the extra
practice. There are many other instructional resources your child can
use on their iPad if they wish. Some of these include: Lexia, Kids A-Z,
Wonders activities, DreamBox, and Math Cards.
Once again, these are only SUGGESTIONS and OPTIONAL if you feel
as though your child could use the extra support and practice at home.
Overall, research has been unable to prove that homework improves
student performance. I ask that you spend your evenings doing things
that are proven to correlate with student success. Eat dinner as a
family, read together, play outside, and get your child to bed early.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns
regarding the homework policy.
Mrs. Serrano