Social Studies

Paleolithic Settlements
Paleolithic PeoplePaleolithic People~Tools, Tasks, and Fire


World Map

Use this atlas to work on you Daily History (Green sheet)!

Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Civilizations

Our Glencoe Social Studies Book Online
Here you can read the overview of each chapter and play some games with the information that we are learning in class!

Ancient Civilizations

What are the PERGS?
We will analyze the relationships between the political, economic, religious, social, and geographic structures of ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush.

Mesopotamia was a civilization that existed over 4000 years ago!

Did the Mesopotamians keep records of transactions such as sales and rentals?
What kind of records did they keep on marriages and adoptions?
Mesopotamian Contracts

Click here link for samples of translated transactions and records.

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece!!

Culture Universals - those things that all people learn to do, though they do them differently from one place or time to another, including all of the following:


how people express their ideas, thoughts and feelings, through writing (literature), storytelling, painting, music, dance, etc.


work: how things are made (Jobs & Tools), distributed (Trade and Money) and used
social structure/daily life education, class system, judicial system, families, food/clothing/shelter


a group of people who love and care for each other, share common needs and concerns, and call themselves a family

Types of families:

  1. Nuclear - father, mother and children
  2. Extended - nuclear family plus grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.


how people express information, ideas and opinions to others, communication (sign, body, spoken, written, etc. )


housing, public buildings, unique design


location, region, place, interaction with the environment, movement/migration


politics, power and how people use it to make decisions for themselves and others

religion and mythology

how people explain the unknown, and how they act on those beliefs -- values, world view, myths, legends


tools, discoveries, inventions (economics)

Civilizations we will study include the following:

Mesopotamia   AncientEgypt


Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

Early China

History for Kids! Click here.