Language Arts

We love to Read!


This week's story:

Coming Soon.........

****Cereal Box Book Project: Have fun with our latest project. Please read an AR book of your choice and complete this creative report to teach us about your book. A cereal box and commercial will be created from your book. Download the directions and rubric here: Cereal Box Book Project

Please see the links to the rubrics we use in our writing program. Use these to focus your writing and strive for the highest score possible on your essays!
Response to Literature Rubric (4th Grade)
Summary Rubric (4th Grade)
Narrative Rubric (4th Grade)

Your student has new spelling words and Greek & Latin vocabulary words each week. They will need to practice these at home, along with the in-class practice they engage in. Please use the Spelling City site in the links table, below, to have some fun practice playing games with our words! New words each week will be available on this site by Tuesday mornings. Greek Root Template
Our spelling/vocabulary test will be given on Thursday. Your student's Greek & Latin Roots worksheet, with their original sentences written on the back, is due on Thursday. They will be taking a comprehension and usage test on these 12 words on Friday.

Reading for 30 minutes each day is required (150 minutes average per week). I utilize the Accelerated Reading Program (Renaissance Place) and students are responsible for taking quizzes on books read, and meeting an inpidual point goal set specifically for them. They will also be completing a book report form for each book read. See both links below:
AR Book Report (Word Doc)
AR Book Report (pdf file)
To stay on target, 3 to 4 books per trimester must be read.

Please use the links below to examine our reading program and practice spelling and vocabulary words.



A fun site where you can write and illustrate your own story. You need to create a free account before you can begin.
Scholastic Grammar


A terrific resource to answer any grammar questions you may have. This is a great site to use when you write!
See full size Image Houghton Mifflin's Reading site. Select the story you are reading. Select the eWord Game for vocabulary practice.
spelling City Spelling City - practice your spelling words with games and activities!

Rooting Out Words

Practice figuring out word meanings by identifying their Greek and Latin roots.
Power Proofreading Play a fun, interactive proofreading game!
Wacky Web Tales Write your own Mad Libs and practice parts of speech!
Study Reading Strategies Practice site *Click on the area you would like more practice with (Ex. Comprehension Strategies) *Click on a specific area within that strategy (Ex. making inferences) *Choose an activity (L=lesson, P=practice) Analogy of the Day Try it! Fantastic tutorials in iPod or PowerPoint format. Scroll down through the subjects -- check out the grammar and math sections.
Language Arts Standards Notebook Fourth Grade California Language Arts Standards Select Grade 4